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EDE429 Informal Learning - Informal Education

The field of informal learning is relatively young, and there is much debate about how to define, conceptualize, theorize and research the unique learning that occurs across diverse contexts. This seminar explores the theory and practice of informal learning and current research in this field of study. We will define relevant terms, identify informal learning settings and meet in these spaces.* Our first and last class will be held at Warner, while other classes will primarily take place offsite in informal learning contexts across our community, including afterschool programs, community centers, museums, libraries, gardens, zoos, work settings, affinity and gaming spaces…all settings in which children and adults are actively learning. This course examines the unique characteristics of these spaces, explores the processes and outcomes of informal learning across the lifespan, and addresses the assumptions that guide funding for informal learning programs. Together we will also consider broad questions about goals for human development and learning in the 21st century. *Transportation will be coordinated and/or provided. We will return to campus in time for late classes.

Credits: 3
Offered: Occasionally
Offered Online: No terms identified
Modes: In-Person
Prerequisites: None
Restrictions: None
EDE 429 Informal Learning - Informal Education course information is subject to change, please check the latest schedule.